Portfolio of Works
My OUTDOOR STUDIO ~ En Plein Aire, which is a French term for painting outdoors, I lovingly call my outdoor studio. I’m never without my paints, in the snow or at the beach. I create landscapes that will TAKE YOU PLACES, even if you can’t travel…and I work to preserve the legacy that Mother Nature began before industry takes it away!
I absolutely love traveling in my RV and “Painting the Parks”!
If you are an art lover, please browse the Paint the Parks collections and enjoy! If you fall in love with an available painting, it can be yours and your family’s to treasure for generations to come. And, you will be supporting your parks. All the Parks are asking for is a minimum of 10% to be donated to the respective foundation but I’m adding another 10%.
My INDOOR STUDIO. The magic of still-life paintings is that they can show us a new way of looking at the ordinary objects around us. Once they are placed into a specific arrangement and then captured in paint the objects take on a whole new meaning. Their existence becomes recorded in time.
Capturing the Imagination… Imagination is the only state of mind that allows us to be free from the reality we live in. Allowing our imagination to flow freely liberates us from the restraints of regular life. Dreaming while we are asleep is not imagination, but dreaming while we are awake fuels the imagination.